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Category Archives: Industry News

Trump Says ‘Yes’ to Asbestos

Posted on by Asbestos Waste Solutions Limited

Once hailed as wonder material for its insulative and fire resistant properties, asbestos quickly permeated our society, making its way into all manner of objects from gloves to concrete in the early 20th century. However, down the road, the devastating carcinogenic side effects of asbestos came to light. When disturbed, the needle-like fibres of asbestos … Continue reading

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Is the Asbestos in Our Water Dangerous?

Posted on by Asbestos Waste Solutions Limited

‘Is our drinking water safe from asbestos contamination?’ While this is a question that you probably haven’t considered before, this doesn’t mean that it one that’s not worth asking, despite the fact that construction using asbestos was banned over 30 years ago. The problem here is that some of the water pipes in the UK, … Continue reading

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Asbestos: Employer Responsibilities

Posted on by Asbestos Waste Solutions Limited

In 2005, figures published in the British Journal of Cancer predicted that mesothelioma would peak within 10 years in the UK and the highest number of deaths would be between 1,950 and 2,450. After this, though, they expected the mortality rate to drop dramatically. Unfortunately, this prediction was wrong. In the past decade, asbestos-related deaths … Continue reading

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Does My Insulation Contain Asbestos?

Posted on by Asbestos Waste Solutions Limited

Unfortunately, despite the efforts of asbestos removal companies to rid the substance from wherever it’s identified, it can still be found in numerous places: homes, public buildings, offices, schools – you name it. While we can still find asbestos now, it reached its peak during the 20th century, when each and every building that was … Continue reading

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Why Do I Need an Asbestos Survey?

Posted on by Asbestos Waste Solutions Limited

If you’re planning on carrying out any structural work on your business premises, or perhaps you are planning to have a building demolished, an asbestos survey will locate and identify any materials which contain asbestos. Just as importantly, however, they will allow you to arrange for their removal. Unfortunately, throughout the UK, many commercial buildings … Continue reading

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Why was asbestos used?

Posted on by Asbestos Waste Solutions Limited

The dangers of asbestos are widely known today, but until the UK banned the material, it was extensively used across many sectors, particularly in the construction industry. Breathing in asbestos fibres is unlikely to cause immediate harm – but the long term effects are prolific, and generally occur many years after exposure. The main cause … Continue reading

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How Much Asbestos Exposure is Harmful?

Posted on by Asbestos Waste Solutions Limited

Here at Asbestos Waste Solutions, as you know, we use our blog almost exclusively to convey how important the safe removal and disposal of asbestos is throughout the country, and we feel that you can never be too careful when stressing the dangers of asbestos and just why it should be handled with care. It … Continue reading

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Asbestos Myths

Posted on by Asbestos Waste Solutions Limited

Since asbestos has been such a popular construction material for hundreds of years, and with over six types of asbestos and hundreds of different applications, there is no surprise that confusion has arisen as to what the facts actually are. To help combat this, Asbestos Waste Solutions are on hand to provide some answers. In … Continue reading

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Changes to premises registration and the consignment note number format from 01 April 2016

Posted on by Asbestos Waste Solutions Limited

Changes to Premises Registration and the Consignment Note Number format Until 01 April 2016, nothing changes where 500kg or more hazardous waste is produced, collected or removed, the premises will still be required to be registered with the Environment Agency. From 01 April 2016, you will no longer be required to register the premises with … Continue reading

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